Shadesradio Player

Land Gigs

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Leticia Lewis Fuses Hip Hop and Classical on the Violin at EOW

What else can I say about Leticia Lewis' violin performance at EOW beside magnificent, dope, ill, professionally-trained, excellently executed, funky? Probably much more. Suffice it to say Leticia killed it. She performed a butter composition that she backed with a self-produced track of groovy rhythm. Over-top of that she stroked out improvisations on her violin that were strong, definitive, a little sad and sultry at the same time. At one point she threw down her bow and began plucking the strings on some other shit. From there she went into some heavy trills combinations where she plays the same note back and forth real fast like she’s about to black out. With Propayne and Vice Verses on stage as back up, what started out as some adlibs turned into sincere appreciation for talent. Up on stage I had the best view cause I was holding the mic for her. lol. What a night!

Summer 2008

- Kurt Nice

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