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Land Gigs

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Introduction To Insanity (i2i)

Rythmatic cadence and metaphor filled flow, spit in a common sense kinda way describes Year of the I. The string of emotions on the album goes from excited, energetic verbal combat, blackout style on tracks like World War 1 and Mayhem to tracks contemplating dreadful thoughts of suicide on Cide Note. The duo of Vice Verses and Propayne two thirds of the Three Kings, End of the Weak's top-notch hosting team, go bar for bar measure for measure, 16 for 16 in a back and forth style that stays fresh throughout the journey. On Heemies, Swave Sevah joins in to pay tribute to the herb like all true Hip Hop albums should. They shouted everything out from bubblegum diesel to lambsbread, and white rhino to beef and broccolli. Tasty. On Feet Don't Fail Me, they drop subliminal science on the masses with a bouncy, amped up flow..."add on daily, see things clearly. Never stop buildin' everyday is something new. Keep it movin in the now, what we bout to do." They show originality on concept tracks like Halls and The Storm in which they explore the characteristics of a storm as a metaphor for aspects of their rhyme skill. The only drawback is not having a live version of most of these tracks. I do have a live version of 121 Watts which is bananas. i2i has energy on stage like watching Olympic level kickboxing, you know, mad action. Lyrically and presence-wise they are like a bolt of electricity on stage. They are sic and relentless when they get deep into it . They describe themselves as, "a few sandwiches short of a picnic, crazy, tryin to do everything with A.D.D." - Vice Verses and "a Kubrick flick directed by Tarantino. Edgar Allen Poe my thoughts should be illegal." - Propayne

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