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Land Gigs

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

B.U.R.N. U Cookout Drawin' Heat 2008

The Best Under Rated Now Unified Movement is in full effect. Jumpin off with monthly showcases in Harlem and special cross promotional events with multiple media outlets from the Bronx to Jersey, your man Larue got his grind in the right gear. Not only does he keep his own skillz on the mic honed and ready as an artist, he also creates opportunities for others to do their thing. At our most recent cookout, the B.U.R.N. U. Movement with, sponsored a full day of Hip Hop for artists to network on some NJ welcomes NY to make it HOT for the people ish. During this promotion artists got to represent their skill and draw heat to an already 100 degree temperature. We got burn on the grill, and burn on the mic with sounds that you would be able smell thru the radiowaves like an oil drum BBQ grilling savory burgers over charcoal. Feelin the Heat were friends, producers and artists including; a female emcee from Yonkers named Jass, SB, Mirak, Young Face, Snuff, Joey Glasses, the Birthday Boyz, Wesnile, Lyric, Smoke, Shy-U (SMB), Brick Mu, Sour P, Mardigraw, Arson, Dutch Mastah, Dutch 40, Skool, Izzy Grimey, Dat Kidd, DJ Subtraction, Dre, JB, Pinky and the Brain, Element Jones, L.S., Jah Jah Shakur, Big Ted, Paul and everybody else whose names I don't have but showed love and ate for free, Big Up!.

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